A friendly club for those interested in French language and culture
Bonjour et bienvenue!
Our evenings begin at 7.30pm. Refreshments are provided giving us the opportunity to meet and chat in either French or English, as you prefer.
It is not essential to be fluent in French and you are invited to join us at any of our meetings with no prior booking necessary (unless indicated otherwise per the Programme below).
We look forward to welcoming you.
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Wednesday 12th February - A presentation (in French) by Jonathan Palmer to include a Jazz Group performance
Wednesday 12th March - "The Commonwealth War Graves Commission”
A presentation (in English) by a speaker from the CWGC. Learn how the Commission began, its work during the First and Second World Wars and its work today in maintaining and preserving our historic estate around the World.
Wednesday 9th April - "A French Love Affair Of Over 30 Years". A presentation (in French) by Cherry Mullins.
The tale of how one woman’s love affair developed and grew, living and working in France.
Wednesday 7th May - AGM followed by our ever popular Quiz Night.
Prepare for a challenge on your knowledge of all things French!
Wednesday 11th June - The Secret Garden Restaurant, Sudbury - French themed lunch (details to follow)
n.b. Pre booking essential
Would you, or someone you know, be happy to give us a talk in the future?
Do you have a French interest or passion that you would like to share with us?
Maybe you have ideas for different events?
We would welcome your thoughts and suggestions to help us continue to bring you a full and varied programme going forward.
Previous Meetings 2025
Wednesday 15th January - "Le Siège de Colchester en 1648 pendant Les Guerres Civiles” . A presentation (in French) by Alan Murrells
Previous Meetings 2024
Wednesday 11th December - A cappella singing group “Resonate” with Gwendal Moële Christmas Carols from Europe and Africa.
Wednesday 13th November - "Picardie" A presentation in French by Richard Doyle
Wednesday 9th October - "Le vélo, quelle histoire!" - A presentation in French by Carole Deux.
Wednesday 11th September - Georges Simenon - Maigret's Creator.
A presentation in English by Paula Short
Wednesday 19th June - Pétanque Afternoon
A fun afternoon with the Stanway u3a team.
Wednesday 22nd May - Social Event. Basque themed lunch at "The Secret Garden" in Sudbury.
Wednesday 8th May - AGM followed by “Music for Moliere’s Plays”.
AGM followed by a presentation “Music for Moliere’s Plays" in English, by Peter Holman.
Wednesday 10th April - Echappée en Normandie. A presentation, in French, by Brigitte Whiteing.
"Grâce à ses paysages d’une incroyable diversité, son patrimoine architectural, culturel, historique et gastronomique, la Normandie est une des régions les plus visitées de France. Ses falaises blanches, plages de sable du débarquement, falaises parmi les plus hautes d’Europe, méandres de la vallée de la Seine, marais du Cotentin, forêts et bocages en font une destination de loisirs, de détente où l’on peut savourer les innombrables produits du terroir et une cuisine riche et savoureuse. Prenons les routes et chemins à la découverte de cette magnifique région."
Wednesday 13th March - Mes recherches genealogiques: La suite. A presentation, in French, by Theresa Higgins.
Wednesday 14th February - The Bayeux Tapestry. A presentation, in English, by professional historian, author, and presenter Kindra Faulks.
Wednesday 10th January - (After) Christmas Lunch - The Old Siege House
Wednesday 12th June - Quatre Espionnes de la Grande Guerre.
A presentation, in French, by author and social historian Dr Viv Newman.